The future is wonderful, indeed it truly is. As time passes, mankind most assuredly makes advancements that baffle and bewilder us onlookers. Seemingly, on nearly a daily basis, breakthroughs and revelations are taking place that astound us all; and that were deemed improbably if not impossible only a few year prior to their procurement. With IPL equipment does arrive the next day spa trendsetter that changes the game forever, and for the better. Three breakthroughs that it has fomented will be revealed, so stick around.
Varicose Veins Be Gone
Spider veins, which are medically called varicose veins, have plagued people for centuries upon centuries. In more recent times, they made wearing shorts a self esteem nightmare for sufferers. But with IPL treatment, one can zap those nasty looking veins and the body reacts by receding them, tucking them away to never be seen again.
Wrinkle Depth Reduction
Wrinkles are part of the aging process. They are caused by the thousands of facial contractions that our muscles create every day. Over time, the skin folds can noticeably crease and show signs of aging. But intense pulsed lighting changes that by helping the skin to renew itself for fresher, more wrinkle-free skin folds.
Laser Hair Removal
Hair removal used to mean messy, painful waxing or shaving. Both are not attractive, or cheap, methods of hair removal. Neither is permanent. Along comes an IPL treatment that eradicates shaving and its downsides from the lives of people forever. Considering the average person spends more than $1000 on shaving products per year, and an average of 30 minutes in the shower daily, laser hair removal is, perhaps, the most useful of all current IPL treatments.
As you can see,
IPL treatments really have changed things. There are so many more treatments that these amazing machines enable. In the future, don’t be shocked when they are featured at most spas.