Find out why day spas worldwide are embracing the technological evolution of the IPL laser.
Head to the most modern and inviting day spa that you know and love, or any of them that may be located near to where you live, and you can bet that they more than likely offer an IPL laser and the array of treatments this device enables. Ever since the early 90s, when this laser technology became mainstream, it’s truly picked up force. Today, these lasers are prominently featured in the most respected day spas around the world, and for a number of good reasons, too.
Offering More Targeted Services
A day spa that incorporates an IPL laser is shooting for the stars. That’s because the spa is now able to exponentially expand their menu of services. Now they can offer a wide variety of different treatments these lasers enable, such as scar removal, tattoo removal, hair removal, pigmentation treatment, wrinkle depth reduction, cellulite removal, the photo facial, and so many more.
Appealing to a Wider Demographic of Customers
Customers want more during the present day than they have ever wanted before. They also want that something more to cost them something reasonable. The affordability of the IPL laser machine, especially when leased or financed, enables spas to offer high demand and high quality treatments that show efficacious results, yet at reasonable rates their clients can afford.
Delivering Longer Lasting Results
Most treatments procured using an IPL laser provide longer lasting results than other standard treatments do. For example, the deep chemical peel simply does not stack up to the photo facial (deep laser exfoliation). In fact, the laser will show longer lasting and more noticeable results right away by comparison.
Strong Return on Investment
Another reason why spas are hopping on this bandwagon is because the IPL laser yields a very healthy return on investment. Say a machine is financed with the final purchase price being $50,000 USD. On a five year note that would amount to about a $500 monthly bill with interest. This means that the spa offering the laser needs to only sell a few services per month to break even, and to start generating a healthy profit margin on the other treatments that they also sell during that same month.
Expanding Day Spa Services Menu
When you expend the services menu, you will inherently increase profits as a result. By adding the number of treatments that the IPL laser enables, a spa will attract more clients and generate increased revenue. As you can see, the benefits of hosting these machines far outweigh any associated cons.
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