As intense pulsed light becomes a more viable, economical and plausible solution, more people are pursuing it to treat a wide array of skin disorders that were previously only manageable. Today, the technology has greatly advanced to the point where standard day spas and laser clinics offer it in most major cities. We’ll explore three fascinating treatments that this technology makes possible.
Rosacea has plagued countless adults for eons. Since IPL targets your body’s red blood cells, the hemoglobin that are visible with rosacea, they become damaged and recede back from the surface of the skin. They also become less visible during recession, and many times will permanently recede, not surfacing for years upon end. The result is marvelous improvement in rosacea plagued skin.
Nodular Acne
For those who suffer from nodular acne, it’s a nightmare trying to find self esteem or to treat their chronic and persistent acne that often carries on over into adulthood. Using intense pulsed light, the nodular acne can be treated by penetrating deep into the skin, zapping the bacteria while not irritating the surrounding tissues and by encouraging the production of fresh skin cells, collagen and elastin – the building blocks of new, acne-free skin.
Facial Scarring
Facial scarring, commonly caused by nodular acne, can also be treated using intense pulsed light technology. Since the lasers gently resurface the skin, the skin renews at a rapid rate by creating new skin cells and collagen and elastin. This means that brand new skin forms where the old, scarred skin used to be. Unlike creams or surgery, laser treatments don’t require much downtime, if any. A few treatments can visible reduce any scarring by dramatic amounts.
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