Find out a few ways that you can use the IPL machine to generate some serious cash for your day spa.
The IPL machine has truly shifted the mantra of the modern day spa by upping its offerings tenfold from that of even beyond comprehension just a short decade prior. In fact, with the advent of the IPL machine, and the deregulation that contended only doctors could facilitate treatment sessions, now the day spa has so much more to offer to clients that a cash cow would be a vast understatement.
Laser Hair Removal
The most popular offering enabled by IPL machine is the prospect of laser hair removal. Using the strong IPL beams, the lights can help to remove unwanted regions of hair in relatively few treatments. This type of treatment is quickly becoming the most popular type of cosmetic hair removal treatment in the country.
Anti-aging Treatments
Anti-aging is and forever will be a mainstay of any day spa. People frequent a spa to get specific treatments that help reduce wrinkle depth and even skin tone while restoring luminosity. With the IPL machine, several treatment sects, like the laser facial, are now made entirely possible.
Tattoo Removal
With an estimated 50% of all Americans sporting a tattoo, the removal of them is also equally as big of business. Using the IPL machine, many types of tattoos can be safely and effectively removed. One can only imagine how increasingly popular this prospect will become as more people get tattoos in par with popular culture trends of the modern era.
As you can see, the IPL machine opens the doors for easy profits for all smart day spa owners.
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