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Intense Pulsed Lighting: Can IPL for Rosacea Actually Work?

Intense Pulsed Lighting – could it be the new solution for using IPL for rosacea?

A trendsetter fascination in the skin care industry, intense pulse lighting technology has really changed the game plan forever and for the better. Newer treatments are being developed each year that targeted various skin problems that were deemed previously untreatable and only manageable at best. Thanks to this intense pulse lighting technology, breakthrough treatments on skin disorders have been recently procured. The newest entrant on this list is IPL for rosacea.

Revives the Skin

Since rosacea is a skin condition involving blemishes that often stem from weak or damaged skin, IPL for rosacea is a viable solution. The laser helps the skin better renew itself by zapping damaged and aging skin cells, which helps the body better eradicate them and the symptoms associated with them.

Encourages Growth of New Layers

The IPL for rosacea process is designed to intimate the growth of new skin layers. When new skim layers form, the body sheds the old layers. It also creates a boost of collagen and elastin – the key elements to fresh skin – and they form the new skin. This process is designed to basically encourage the body to discard the affected skin layers by forming new ones that are not prone to rosacea.

Simple Outpatient Process

Perhaps the most uplifting news about using IPL for rosacea is that you won’t require invasive surgery. As a matter of fact, this method is by far one of the least invasive skin care methods one can pursue. The associated downtime and recovery process is marginal by comparison to other treatments. And the outpatient process ensures that you are home after one day of treatment.

Only Requires a Few Treatments

For those who are considering using this revolutionary treatment method, it is important that they understand that it might take several treatment sessions to provide full relieve. The success rate is astronomically high for this treatment type as well. Most persons who undergo at least two to four treatments notice substantial and long lasting results, negating the need for re-administering treatment for a period of at least two to five years post treatment, with some patients noting permanent or longer lasting results.

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